Losing a tooth can be traumatic to your appearance and self-esteem. Thanks to the technology and technique behind dental implants, it doesn’t have to be a lasting issue. Most people have heard of dental implants, but unless you’ve had one, they’re a bit of a mystery. What Is a Dental Implant? Once it’s completed, a […]

Diet and Dental Health Should Drive Food Choices
Everybody knows sugar is bad for your teeth, but diet and dental health go far beyond just curbing a love of sweets. The American Dental Association (ADA) provides some fairly simple ways to improve your food choices and eating habits. The good news is you already know some of these tips if you’ve ever tried […]

What’s The Best Toothpaste?
If you’ve walked into the health and beauty section of a supermarket or the local drug store lately, you’re likely to find more options for toothpaste than in any other part of the world. Whether you favor minty fresh or spicy cinnamon, there’s more to those tubes than meets the eye. How do you know […]

First Trip to the Dentist
Few habits are as important in life as developing good dental habits. It needs to start at an early age. The first trip to the dentist can be scary for a small child. So, how do you prep a child to get ready for a first trip to the dentist? Promise a toy? Tell them […]

Christmas Sweets and Your Teeth
Healthy and Happy Holidays Few holidays conjure up images of food like the Christmas season. Only the Grinch would try to steal your enjoyment of that caramel popcorn Aunt Norma sent from Kansas or the sugar cookies someone meticulously decorated just for you. But there can definitely be too much of a good thing when […]